Adding google map with location markers in ruby on rails.

We can use gmaps4rails gem to add google map in your application.First add gmaps4rails gem in Gemfile and run bundle.

gem 'gmaps4rails'

require gmaps/google in application.js You also need to add underscore.js in your application.

//= require underscore
//= require gmaps/google

Add these Javascript Dependencies (google scripts) to your html (may be in layout or in some specific file whwere you want google map to be added)

<script src="//;sensor=false&amp;libraries=geometry" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src='//' type='text/javascript'></script>

Now add the html and javascript for adding map data.

<div style='width: 800px;'>
  <div id="map" style='width: 800px; height: 400px;'></div>

var handler ='Google');
handler.buildMap({internal: {id: 'map'}, provider: { zoom: 7 }})

It will add google map to div with id ‘map’.

default map

We can add markers to the map and also add custom image for the marker. Center of map can be defined by:

<div style='width: 800px;'>
  <div id="map" style='width: 800px; height: 400px;'></div>

    var handler ='Google');
    handler.buildMap({internal: {id: 'map'}, provider: {zoom: 7}}, function () {
        var markers = handler.addMarkers([
            {lat: 28.0, lng: 76.2},
            {lat: 28.38, lng: 77.82},
            {lat: 28.98, lng: 76.19},
                lat: 28.63, lng: 77.13, infowindow: 'Your location',
                picture: {
                    url: '',
                    width: 36,
                    height: 36
            {lat: 29.0, lng: 78.17},
            {lat: 28.44, lng: 76.48}
        handler.bounds.extendWith(markers);{lat: 28.63, lng: 77.13})
map with markers

For adding a circle for a particular area:

<div style='width: 800px;'>
  <div id="map" style='width: 800px; height: 400px;'></div>

    var handler ='Google');
    handler.buildMap({internal: {id: 'map'}, provider: {zoom: 8}}, function () {
        var markers = handler.addMarkers([
            {lat: 28.0, lng: 76.2},
            {lat: 28.38, lng: 77.82},
            {lat: 28.98, lng: 76.19},
                lat: 28.63, lng: 77.13, infowindow: 'Your location',
                picture: {
                    url: '',
                    width: 36,
                    height: 36
            {lat: 29.0, lng: 78.17},
            {lat: 28.44, lng: 76.48}
        var circles = handler.addCircles(
                [{lat: 28.63, lng: 77.13, radius: 80000}],
                {strokeColor: '#FF0000', strokeOpacity: 0.7, strokeWeight: 1, fillColor: '#FF0000', fillOpacity: 0.15}
        handler.fitMapToBounds();{lat: 28.63, lng: 77.13})
map with circle

Same as circle you can also add multiple shapes by:

addCircle(data, options)
addPolyline(data, options)
addPolygon(data, options)
addKml(data, options)
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